Friday, November 29, 2019

The Grange Essay Example For Students

The Grange Essay The Grange was the first major farm organization and began in the 1860s. This organization was created mostly as a social and self-help association notoriginally an organization of protest. During the depression of 1873, thisgroup of bonded friends, became an agency for political change. They knew inordered to help themselves they must become a voice in this new government inorder to survive. With the depression farm product prices began to decrease. More farmsjoined the Grange to band together to resolve the issues before them. Beginningas a small group of friends learning from each other what worked and what didnt,by 1875 the Grange boasted of over 800,000 members and 20,000 local lodges;claiming chapters in almost every state, being the strongest in the states thatproduced the most: the South and Midwest. As a group (strong in member) theymade their statement to the world on an appropriate day, Independence Day 1873. The framers Declaration of Independence informed those listening they were readyto fight back. The Declaration stated they would use all lawful and peacefulmeans to free themselves from the tyranny of monopoly. Many of the membersopened stores and other businesses so they could begin to buy and sell to eachother. However most of these were farmers, with families, not businessmen andmany companies didnt survive because of their lack of real business knowled geand the pressures of the middlemen who wanted them to fail. They worked as ateam to get candidates elected who agreed with the need for governmental controlof the railroads. With the control of the Legislatures they implementedgovernmental controls on railroad rates and practices. However the railroad wasalso very wealthy. They hired lawyers who soon destroyed the new regulations. With these defeats and with the new rise in farm prices in the late 1870s theGrange began to lose strength and power, dwindling to a membership to only100,000 by 1880. We will write a custom essay on The Grange specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The Grange was the springboard for another banding together of farmers,the Farmers Alliances. This new movement began in the Southern states andquickly spread beyond what the Grange had been. One of the most notabledifferences within the Alliance, was the approval of women to vote and becomespeakers and leaders for their cause. The Alliance however, had similarproblems as the Grange. Many of the cooperations, stores, banks, processingplants and other resources began to suffer the same fate. Lack of solidmanagement and the market forces operating against them caused them to fail. These disappointments aided the forming of a national political organization. This merger held their own national convention in Ocala, Florida in 1889, inwhich they introduced their Ocala Demands. Going even further they met and formed a third party. In July 1892,Omaha, Nebraska they met approved an official set of principles and nominatedcandidates for the presidency and vice presidency. Thus the Peoples Party,more often called the Populist Party was born. In the years that soon followedthe Populist Party won the elections for Presidency (James B. Weaver of Iowa),three governorships, five senate and ten congressional seats. Also elected weremany Republicans and Democrats who sided with the Populists. Most of thePopulist leaders were middle class, professional people or long time politicians. Most were not small farmers. Populism lasted for two decades as a third political party, however itwas a losing struggle. One main theory as to their fall was one of the nationsleading historians in the 1950s, Richard Hofstadter wrote in his book The Age ofReform published and expounded this view of the Populism group and theirlikeness to Communism. He stated the farmers were very committed to thecapitalist system they claimed to abhor. He stated further that Populism waspermeated with bigotry and ignorance revealing anti-Semitic tendencies andtheir displayed animosity toward intellectuals, easterners, and urbanites.What began as a united group of victims of economically marginalagricultural regions victimized by drought and debt. The Grangers turned intoan organized group who backed many politicians who won and made changes toprotect the small farmer, established a network of warehouses were farmers coulddeposit their crops and use these as collateral for borrowing money from thegovernment at low rates and wai t for the price of their crop to increase beforeselling, and the acceptance of silver as a form of money. Because of these twodecades in our history we can see our power to influence and change politics. Alone these unimportant, unpowerful, poor people could do nothing, however whenthey came together elected leaders, their sheer numbers made people listen andshaped laws protecting their lives and rights as citizens of these

Monday, November 25, 2019

Creating Good Emergency Lesson Plans

Creating Good Emergency Lesson Plans Teachers are required to have a set of emergency lesson plans so that in the event of an emergency there is no interruption in the delivery of instruction. There can be any number of reasons to need emergency plans: a death in the family, an accident, or a sudden illness. Since these types of emergencies can arise at any time, emergency lesson plans should be not be associated with lessons that are part of a sequence. Instead, emergency lesson plans should be related to topics covered in your classroom, but not part of core instruction.    Regardless of the  reason for your absence, your substitute plans should always include information critical to the operation of the classroom. This information should be duplicated in the emergency lesson folder. For each class period, there should be class lists (with parent phone numbers/e-mail), seating charts, times for a variety of schedules (full day, half-day, specials, etc) and a general comment on your procedures. The fire drill procedure and a copy of the student handbook should be included in the folder as well as any special school procedures. While still keeping a students right to privacy in mind, you may also leave general notes to prepare the substitute for any special needs students. You may also provide the names and teaching assignments of those educators near the classroom in the event your substitute might need immediate assistance. Finally, if your school has a substitute log-in for computer use, you may leave that information or a contact for the substitute to request a log-in. Criteria for Emergency Lesson Plans The criteria that should be used in developing a good emergency lesson is similar to what you might leave for a scheduled absence. The plans include: Type of learning: emergency lesson plans should not include new learning, but rather work with concepts or principles that students already understand in your  subject area.  Timelessness: Because emergencies  can occur anytime  during the school year, these plans should address concepts important to the discipline, but not tied to a specific  unit. These plans should also be revisited during the school year and adjusted based on what topics students have covered.Length: In many school  districts, the recommendation is that emergency lesson plans should support a substitute for a minimum of three days.  Accessibility: The materials in emergency lesson plans should be prepared so that students of all levels of ability will be able to complete the work. If the plans call for group work, you  should leave recommendations on how to organize students. Substitute plans should be contain translated materials for English Language Learners if there is a need.  Resources: All materials for the  emergency lesson plans should be prepared and, if possible,   left in the folder. All papers should be copied in advance, and a few extra copies added in the event the classroom numbers have changed. There should be directions as to where other materials (books, media, supplies, etc) can be located.   While you want to make sure that your students are engaged in meaningful activities, you also should anticipate the amount of work you will receive when you return. Your first reaction may be to stuff the folder with many different worksheets to keep students occupied. Returning to school to face a folder filled with busy work does not benefit you or your students.   A better way to help the substitute is to provide materials and activities that engage students and can extend over a period of time.    Suggested Emergency Lesson Plans Ideas Here are some ideas that you can use as you create your own emergency lesson plans: There are always extended questions from chapters in your textbook that you may never get to during the school year.   The extended response  questions (sometimes titled further study...) sometimes take more time than a class period or they may be more challenging and involve  applying skills students already have  in solving authentic or real-world problems. There may be scenarios for students to try. A model of what is expected should be provided to the substitute.There may be articles that are related to your discipline with questions that students can answer. If there are no questions with the reading, you can use these four close reading questions that meet the Common Core Literacy Standards. You should leave an example to model for students so that they should know to provide evidence from the text for each question.What is the author telling me?  Any hard or important words? What do they mean?  What does the author want me to understand?How does the author play wit h language to add to meaning? Depending on the media available in your school, you may want to use short videos (TED-ED Talks, Discovery Ed, etc. ) that are often followed by questions. If questions are not available, the same questions used for an article (see above) can be used in responding to media. Again, you may want to leave a model response for students to see.If your students are capable to do writing enrichment activities independently, and depending on the student access to research tools, you could leave a visual (painting, photo, or graphic) that is related to your discipline and have the substitute use the Question Formulation Technique. The visual can be a current event photo, an infographic for math, or a painting of a landscape for a storys setting.This technique allows students to ask their own questions and build off their peers’ questions. In this activity, the substitute would ask students to formulate as many questions as they can about the visual. Have the students  write down ever y question exactly as it is stated; then have the students  determine which questions can be answered and which need more research. The substitute can lead the class in  prioritizing the questions. Then, the students can choose one (or more), and do the research in order to respond. Leaving the Plans While emergency lesson plans will not cover material you are currently working on in your class, you should use this opportunity to extend their knowledge about your discipline.   It is always a good idea to mark the location of your emergency lesson plans in a place different than your regular  substitute folder.   Many schools ask for the emergency lesson plans be left in the main office. Regardless, you might not want to include them in the folder so as to avoid confusion.   When emergencies come up and remove you from the classroom unexpectedly, it is good to be prepared. Knowing that you have left plans that will engage your students will also minimize inappropriate student behavior, and returning to deal with discipline problems will make your return to the classroom more difficult. These emergency lesson plans may take time to prepare, but knowing that your students have meaningful lessons while you are not available can take the stress out of the emergency and make your return to school more smooth.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Advantages Of CLassical Music

Throughout history there have been several genres of music. It is an important aspect of every culture, helping to define and shape it across the globe. Varieties range from Hip-Hop to RB, Country, Gospel, and several others. One type of music that has produced countless numbers of classics is, Classical music. Classical music is a great choice for anyone who enjoys a mellower, relaxed sound. It has been known to soothe the soul, help concentration, and give a pleasant feeling to its listeners.The belief that classical music soothes the soul can be proven true through overall instances. The first is, unlike Rock or Rap music which are both theoretically a somewhat harsher sound, Classical music produces a relaxing melody. It also has a harmony that is unguarded of in contemporary Rock music, not to mention other genres. Another circumstance in which Classical music is used to soothe the soul is on the phone lines. When a company places one on hold, the music being played on the other end of the line is more than likely Classical.This is not a coincidence. The music choice is made due to the fact hat it relaxes the listener, creating a greater chance that he will remain on the line. Another belief is that Classical music aids in concentration. I have had several teachers throughout my life who strongly believe that listening to Classical music while studying greatly improves their odds of retaining knowledge. The harmony and soft sound that are produced through Classical music help null all outside noises and distractions, allowing one to concentrate more on the task at hand.It is also a given that it is easier to focus when listening to a after, mellower sound than a loud sharp noise which is often related to genres like Rap or Rock. The last belief is that Classical music is pleasant to listen to. The previous two beliefs alone should prove that it is pleasant to the mind. If that is not enough there are, indeed, several more examples of how classical music is pleasant to listen to. Classical music is strictly instrumental and lacks any vocals whatsoever. Much remains to be interpreted. This leaves a great amount of meaning to be found in the imagination of the listener.The music can mean anything to anyone and something completely different to the person in the next seat. That is the beauty of Classical music and one of the reasons it is so pleasant to the mind. Despite all the positives of Classical music, its popularity has oddly enough decreased in the past few decades. The emergence of Rock and Roll and more recently Rap music has left it on the back burner. Classical music will always remain a large part of musics past and hopefully present and future. It is an enjoyable, relaxing, and soothing genre that should be praised for generations.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Leadership style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leadership style - Essay Example The main purpose of this exercise is to understand different leadership styles and their impact on the followers. Interview with the senior nurse manager revealed that she gave orders to her subordinates and peers, as well. She kept most authority to herself and did not involve her reporting managers in any of the work-related decisions. All her reporting staff were habituated of taking orders. The senior nurse manager was extremely quick in taking decisions, without spending much time. The things that annoyed her manager were delay and interruptions in accomplishing the tasks. She would get impatient at people that tried to question or understand the underlying reasons for her decisions. Response from the team nurse manager was quite contrasting. She believed in working with others, and team members’ involvement and participation defined her style of leadership. She would always take her team members’ opinion before taking specific decisions. She enjoyed working with people and not in isolation. The manager gets annoyed by unscrupulous behavior and isolation. The senior manager possesses autocratic leadership and the team nurse manager is a democratic leader. Both autocratic and democratic styles have significant impact on followers in terms of task accomplishment and motivation. While autocratic leadership uses authority, coercive power and reliance on others for achievement of desired outcomes, the contrasting style, i.e., democratic style uses trust, encouragement, participation and delegation of responsibilities to achieve desired outcomes. Democratic leaders levy complete trust in the abilities of their followers whereas autocratic leaders do not act based on trust but believe in action and abilities. As seen in the case of senior nurse manager, all tasks are almost always completed on time and under utmost discipline, unlike the team manager who gets tasks completed with lenience and sometimes in chaotic manner. The

Monday, November 18, 2019

Assessment Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Assessment Assignment - Essay Example Here we will be critically analysing the effectiveness of this planning, teaching, evaluation and assessment cycle with reference to the current assessment theory. Also we will discuss the role of a teaching assistant in assessment process. We will learn about various methods for assessing children’s work such as verbal questioning, marking, setting homework, observing, peer and self assessment, using both formative and summative assessments. Planning –Teaching – Evaluation – Assessment Cycle This cycle of Planning, Teaching, Evaluation and Assessment is a standard which most school administrators want their teachers to follow. Now this complete cycle can either be executed after being completely programmed first or alternatively each step of this cycle can be planned and executed one by one. Previous method will be more successful in teaching higher grade students and latter will prove useful in teaching younger lot. It is obvious that for effective teaching this cycle has to be dynamic in nature and needs to be constantly updated as per the learning requirements of kids which become clearer after every assessment. Cairney opines (Cairney, 1995:161) that completely pre-planned programme is restrictive because If one adopts an approach to teaching that consists of a cycle of planning, teaching, assessment and evaluation and reflection then one must be open to changes to the teaching programme and be prepared to make constant adjustments to meet the changing need of learners. Every step / phase of this cycle governs the other steps. Planning This phase is the most important one as it gives you the way to walk on. Although Cairney stresses (Cairney, 1995:161) that there is no best format for planning or programming, and hence teachers should develop their own style that suits their needs. So every teacher needs to develop his / her own way of planning keeping some key

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Marketing Strategies of IBM Essay Example for Free

Marketing Strategies of IBM Essay Introduction This study aims at examining the use of theoretical marketing approaches in the practical business scenario. In this domain the marketing strategy of IBM has been considered on empirical grounds. It is by the use of marketing theory and concepts that the study evaluates the marketing strategies of IBM and its role in fulfilling the firm overall goals and objectives. Four specific aspects of marketing strategy evaluation are assessed in this study. Initially the proceedings are related to the importance and the use of information in successful marketing strategies by IBM. This is followed by a discussion on IBM marketing strategies in relation to its organisational strategy. The paper also makes an analysis of the application of IBM marketing strategies in global context. Lastly e-business strategies of IBM in the marketing domain are assessed. Evaluation of marketing strategy of IBM International Business Machines Corporation, better known as IBM, is a multinational IT company involved in the manufacture and retail of computer hardware and software applications, and IT consulting services. Employing the best talents in the industry, IBM is today the largest as well as the most profitable information technology employer in the world. Despite of the adverse economic conditions, the firm achieve a significant increase in its net revenue and income in 2008 compared to previous years. Well devised and efficient marketing strategies have been the key to IBM global success. The company strongly believes that devising effective marketing strategies requires making appropriate decisions that can well enhance all kinds of competitive advantages and can create all kinds of new sources of value for the purpose of improving the organisational revenue growth. According to Luq Niazi, Leader of Strategy and Change at IBM, when the leaders of an organisation think about their business as components, it becomes clear which ones they need to own and which they do not. This clearly indicates the great emphasis that IBM places on the performance and  decision making capabilities of leaders in devising effective marketing strategies. In addition, the firm also considers understanding the requirements and needs of customers as crucial for developing effective marketing strategies. Understanding the innovative demands of customers lies at the core of developing effective marketi ng strategies. Based on IBM market share and dominance in the IT industry, the firm can be aptly described as a market leader. Being a market leader, an important marketing strategy which IBM uses against its competitors is the defensive marketing warfare strategy. The defensive marketing strategy involves the firm employing tactics to maintain its market share. There are several tactics that firms use for defending their market share, such as fortification, counterattack, mobile defence and strategic retreat (Ries and Trout, 2005). Being the courageous market leader that IBM is, the firm adopts the best defensive marketing strategy which is self attack. IBM strategy is cheaper and better than IBM. Aware of IBM tactic, customers wait for IBM new prospects as they know that the Big Blue will constantly introduce new and better products which makes the firm own products obsolete. Another key marketing strategy employed by IBM for sustaining its market leadership is product differentiation strategies. Product differentiation can be achieved using a variety of factors such as distinctive products, reliability, durability, product design etc (Kurtz and Boone, 2006). IBM uses a product differentiation strategy based on quality of performance. In line with its quest for further growth and market leadership, the firm adopts a diversification strategy. The importance of IBM growth strategy has heightened in the current economic situation with companies in the computer industry having faced a massive drop in the industrial production and productivity of computer hardware and the future growth for this segment also appearing dim. In such a context, IBM has strategically reduced its exposure to hardware by diversifying into software and services. IBM also realises the importance of maintaining good relationships with its customers and in line the firm lays great emphasis on trust based marketing strategies. Trust based marketing strategies stress on the need for organisations to gain ethical hold over consumer dealings and also be honest and open about its products and the services. For IBM, adoption of this strategy has been very effective in developing its brand  identity and image. In all of its marketing activities, the firm strives at building customer trust and loyalty. Importance and use of information in IBM marketing strategy The importance and use of information is vital for gaining success. In line, IBM adopted the strategy to take up Social Networking to the work place. It is an absolute means of sharing ideas, complains and letters of appreciation in public. By means of adopting networking opportunities, IBM established its strong hold over competitive market. It is through the provision of Social Networking (SN), that IBM established its commitment to technology and developed an enterprise wide SN mindset. IBM is the first major IT supplier that has got potential provisions for SN and is in the process of changing the entire enterprise along with a credible application to address the market. By means of investments made in the SN domain, IBM has gained enough market strengths in the enterprise lineage, global services, deep pockets and above all in gaining loyal customers. By success of SN, IBM proved to be a fine player in the domain of information networking. The proceedings have added many advantages to its organisational global services. SN for enterprises have been implemented with enough marketing strategies and this is what is providing IBM with technical expertise in the field of organizational/adoption issues. The launching of more facilities related to SN are relevant to the competition of the market. The launcher came up with a new idea and launched it much before the though had developed in anyone mind. The second big thing to the adoption of marketing strategy is the IBMs mindset in the launching of Lotus Connection. It is an information networking process with collaboration-centric approach to SN and helps in information sharing and uninterrupted workflow. By few minutes of exploration anybody can well get hold over its functionalities. IBM kept it easy and user friendly; the basics of marketing strategies. When it comes to the use of information system in IBM, the adoption of unique kind of marketing strategies is predominant. The basic approach is in being innovative and adopting something that is very user friendly and easy for the customer to adopt. Complicacies in the same field can lead to failure of  the same. This is the reason that IBM lays emphasis over making it simple, easy and sharing more than the consumer can expect. Once there is a kind of trust and sense of being facilitated gets into the consumer, he hardly will opt for any other company and this is what IBM believes to the core. Application of innovative ideas in the field of information sharing units can be of great risk, but under the marketing strategy of IBM, this risk has been taken again and again with enough success. IBM marketing strategy in relation to Organisational strategy The strategic effectiveness of an organizational strategy can be measured using SWOT analysis. This is a structure that figure out strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a particular company. Incorporating the Johnson and Scholes model for corporate strategy into this structure creates three success criteria for evaluating a firm (Rifkin, 2001). These are as following; Suitability can be assessed to identify the factors that will support the strategies. Feasibility is all about the adoption of executing the strategy into practical field. Acceptability is something that will determine the reactions that the organisation will receive by the execution of the strategies. At IBM, employees are greatly encouraged to initiate creative marketing tactics. The application of SWOT and the Johnson and Scholes model proves that IBM has got enough potentiality in developing well crafted assessment about itself. Its main strength lies in identifying its weaknesses. The approaches are all very professional and the marketing persuasions are well structured as per the organisationa l structure. As per the declarations made by the official site of IBM, the basic marketing strategy in relation to organisational strategy adopted by IBM is more concerned about the proceedings led by HRM. The perspectives of organisational dealings are strategically adopted to meet the demands of HRM. The typical business culture of IBM is customer centric and in hence a substantial amount of responsibility is placed on the HR department. It has been marked that on traditional ground many IBM executives along with aspiring general managers are selected for the purpose of improving sales force and market oriented projects. It can be well marked as Samuel J. Palmisano, the current CEO, IBM; initially joined the company in the position of a salesman. With his determination and marketing strategies he achieved the position that he currently occupies (Spooner, 2002). Though it  is unusual for a CEOs profile, but in IBM, growth of the organisation and the people working for it are directly proportionate to performances led in the field and the adoption of the marketing strategies which respond adequately to competitive pressures. Global context in IBM marketing planning In the global context, IBM has proved itself as a strong contender by managing to sustain in the most difficult situations. It has overcome the twists and turns it initially faced in adjusting to the bricks-and-clicks business structure. Overcoming all the hurdles IBM is now achieving milestones through the advantages forwarded by brick-and-click enterprises. It is through this enterprise structure that IBM has transformed into a major player in terms of getting hold over global marketing plans. Its formulisations are inclusive of creating a global brand blueprint. It is a mode that usually gets expressed locally and after attaining some success approaches on global grounds. IBM always follows the process of establishing central framework and then architects the relevant consumer experiences to gain consistency with the brand. IBM always concentrates in gaining single view from its consumers and that helps in assessing the risk factors of global marketing strategies (Rometty, 2001). In order to meet the diversified point of views, IBM follows the structure noted below; Process of analysing the context of when, where and how the appropriate and relevant customer data can be collected. This is an approach that is done under the provision of practical market survey. The means to create absolute governance framework with special attentions led over management policies and overall practices. These are the sources that are collected through the purpose of encouraging customer centricity added by the scope to safeguard customer privacy. Approaches led by institute consistent processes for target customer is the next step. In this process the relationship led by the management across all the domains of sales and provided services of the organisation are scrutinized professionally. The process of appointing efficient team leaders and strong management initiators. IBM also appoints a leader who can perform as a single customer advocate and is very much accountable for all the sorted touch points. The marketing strategies adopted by IBM to meet global demands and competitions are well inclusive of a robust infrastructure. It has the provision for optimising flexibility and  a hub-and-spoke architecture for collecting consumer demands on global arena. There is also well marked acknowledgement for all the innovative ways adopted by the partners of IBM. Developments attain by the partners of IBM in global terms is also directly related to the marketing strategies followed by IBM. IBM understands the fact that partners can add much hold over the local market and can reach the consumer with more in-depth formulations. This is the reason that they believe in developing capitalized relationship with these partners for future opportunities. IBM and e-business strategies The motive of any electronic business is to efficiently meet consumer demands through internet networking. The internet provides a medium for businesses to reach out to customers globally at very low costs. It is an exclusive means adopted through the dealings related to information and communication technologies. In case of IBM the role of e-business is very strong. Through e-business strategies, IBM is equipping itself with all kinds of external activities and is applying determined relationships for respective business dealings; with individuals, diversified groups and corporate clients. According to Who Says Elephants Cant Dance?; a book by a former CEO of IBM, Louis Gerstner (2003), IBM approach for e-Business strategies is handled by specialised e business teams operating under IBMs marketing department. It is through its e-business strategies that IBM is able to link its internal as well as external data processing systems with greater efficiency and flexibility. E-business helped IBM in reaching closer to its consumers, conveying the message of reliability and in urn enhancing customer loyalty to the brand. The proceedings led by IBM for the development and implementation of e-business concentrate on the diversified functions occurring through electronic capabilities. IBM is also a part of the entire value chain proceeding for more profitable dominance over the local as well as global market. There are some predominant sectors where the e-business strategies are applied to gain more trust and money from the consumer. These activities are noted below; electronic purchasing supply chain management processing orders electronically handling customer service cooperating with business partners These proceedings add special technical standards in the e-business structure of IBM. The firm also utilises e-business strategies to exchange of data between its partners and associate companies. As a matter of fact the e-business strategies of IBM are not much different from the other marketing strategies. The basic difference however depends over the expansion of management for sending and receiving contracts from the consumer. It is under this strategic implementation that IBM has adopted many local dealers to be a part of its services. These dealers are of course selected through some professional modes. The reputations of these dealers are marked by IBM first before offering the partnership. In terms of services for each product sold through e-business, IBM provides appropriate training to all those people who are a part of this structure. With strategic planning IBM is also into the dealings related to integrated intra and inter firm business proceedings. Conclusion From the above discussions, it can be derived that the marketing strategies adopted by IBM are built on the structure of trust based marketing, defence marketing warfare, product differentiation and diversification marketing strategies. It is through the appropriate use of these theoretical approaches that IBM has established itself very strongly in the traditional marketplace as well as in the burgeoning online marketplace. IBM strives at fulfilling the needs and expectations of its customers and in enhancing customer trust and loyalty. The products and services provided by IBM can guarantee their utility to the customers satisfaction. In a nutshell, IBM is a courageous risk taker that places great emphasis on innovative ideas for further growth. In line, the firm explores the consumers domain through proper hold over local and global proceedings. References Emerson, W.P. (1996) Building IBM: Shaping the Industry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. Gerst, Louis V. (2003) Who Says Elephants Cant Dance? Leading a Great Enterprise through Dramatic Change. Harper Paperback Ham, A. and Rastelli, L.G. (2002) Marketing Essential techniques and strategies geared towards results, John Wiley and Sons Inc, USA. IBM Global Business Services, [retrieved on 19th Nov. 2009] Kurtz, D. L. and Boone, L.E. (2006) Principles of Marketing, 12th edn, Thomson South-western, USA. Ries, A. and Trout, J. (2005) Marketing warfare, Pearson, UK. Rifkin, J. (2000) The Age of Access, Putnum Books, New York Rometty, Ginni (2001) Five marketing tips for the digital age. [retrieved on 19th Nov. 2009] Spooner, John G. (2002) IBM meets lowered estimates. Staff Writer, CNET News April 17, 2002 [retrieved on 20th Nov. 2009] Find out more from UK Essays here:

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Loyalty In Book Characters Essay examples -- essays research papers

Can the perfect ideal of loyalty ever be achieved? What is loyalty, how can you become loyal person? How do the people of today compare to the heroes in the stories that we read Beowulf Sir Gawin and the Green Knight and Camelot. When do you know you are a loyal person, is it something that you are born with or do you learn to become loyal? Is loyalty a valuable human characteristic?How does someone become a loyal person? In Sir Gawin he proved to be loyal when he showed up to a challenge that no normal man could ever win, but he did he went to get his chopped off he was very loyal to his word. Today if you want to become loyal you do not need to do some heroic. That is not good the word loyalty today is used to loosely. If you do something as little as going to work everyday and you are loyal. That is not loyalty that is making money so you can eat. A very good example of loyalty is serving your country at any cost, if you go to war there is a good chance that you will not come back, but you put that aside just to keep the rest of the country safe. That is the ultimate sign of loyalty when you have to face death. So I think that people of today need to make sure that a word is not used just for simple thing, but the correct thing so young people can understand what the word means. Can the perfect ideal of loyalty ever be achieved? In our times I think that loyalty is almost never achieved, why do I think this? The people of today don't know the proper terminology of a w...

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Ethics and Corporate Responsibility in the Workplace and the World Essay

Ethics and corporate responsibility in the workplace and the world is becoming a center of attention. There are many things going on in the workplace that different agencies and people are looking into while placing the blame on the appropriate source. In this paper, a scenario is presented. The scenario involved PharmaCARE and its subsidiary, CompCARE are reviewed and certain questions are being asked for clarity. The paper will look at the stakeholders in this scenario. The paper will do it best to analyze the ethics of PharmaCARE’s treatment of the Colberia’s indigenous population and its rank-and –file workers versus that of its executives. In additionally, the paper will look at the situation concerning three workers, Donna, Tom, and Ayesha under the supervision of Allen. The study of how whistleblowing, opportunities, and protection could help Allen stop the unethical of CompCare. An assessment of PharmaCARE’s environmental creativity with the Colberian activities. The paper will address the original purpose of and changes to Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). The paper will now look at the shareholders in this scenario. The shareholders are major players in an organization or corporation. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a â€Å"shareholder as one that holds or owns a share in a company† (Shareholder, 2013). A synonym of a shareholder is stakeholder and this is someone who has interest in the company. Therefore, the shareholders of this scenario are Allen, Donna, Ayesha, Tom, CompCARE, PharmaCARE, WellCo, and the Colberians. Allen, Donna, Ayesha, and Tom are employees of CompCARE. They are stakeholders in this scenario because they work for CompCARE and this is how they make their living. They want the company to be successful, but at what cost will it cost them. The Colberians are the people who labor to make the drug, while getting paid $1.00 a day and living in poverty. PharmaCARE is the mother company of CompCARE and its goal is to profit off of CompCARE by any means necessary. WellCo brought the  CompCARE from PharmaCARE seeing the profit it could make in this deal. Each shareholder plays a significant part in making sure the CompCARE is successful. The paper will now look analyze the ethics of PharmaCARE treatment of the Colberians. PharmaCARE has a company in African and found people there willing to share information about local remedies and could supply workers willing to work for $1.00 a day. PharmaCARE probably look at this as a coal mine and struck the deal. This process is unethical in every way. One reason it is unethical, the employees at PharmaCARE is not working for a $1.00 a day wage nor are they living in primitive huts. The employees of PharmaCARE have electricity and running water while the Colberians do not get to enjoy this luxury. The World Trade Organization, WTO established guidelines concerning labor rights and standards. â€Å"Moreover, precisely because third world workers are terribly exploited, their employees will pass on much of the cost of improvements in labor standards achieved through international trade treaties to their employees in the form of lower wages† (Global Issues, 2013). PharmaCARE knew the way it was treating the Colberians was not ethical; the company could not behave in this fashion in the United States. PharmaCARE teamed with some toxic leaders in fatting its profit margin. The welfare of the Colberians did not concern them in any way. Hellriegel and Slocum noted a concern for a global team. The global team would have benefited PharmaCARE tremendously. â€Å"The global team helps to define common features of goods and services that will appeal to customers in different countries. The global team members from different countries can provide insight into an input about these unique market needs and requirements for specific attributes of goods and services† (Hellrigel & Slocum, 2011, p.360). A company wants to be correct in dealing with foreigners because if anything is done wrong eventually the world will find out. In this scenario, the executives profit, while the workers receive scraps. The paper will now turn it focus on the workers insi de CompCARE and could termination be consider legal in this scenario. The workers are Allen, Ayesha, Donna, and Tom. Allen is the manager and was responsibility to make sure his staff was not in any health nor safety  threat. In the case with Ayesha, she wanted to be promoted and nothing happen. She filed a complaint with the EEOC. â€Å"The EEOC was created to increase job opportunities for women and minorities and to help end discrimination based on race, color, religion, disability, gender, or national origin in any personnel action† (Boone & Kurtz, 2012, p. 61). Allen could have avoided this by putting Ayesha on a supervisor track. Allen could have been a role model for Ayesha, while showing her the responsibility of a supervisor. Allen should have talked to Ayesha and giving her pointers on what she needed to do to be considered for a supervisor job. In the case of Donna, she never was one to stay out of work. She had a perfect attendance until the discovery of mold was found. She became ill because nothing was done to rectify the mold problem. Therefore, Allen do not have a just cause to fire Donna knowing the reason of her illness. She continued to work until she could no longer and filed for worker compensation. â€Å"Any employee, irrespective of their length of service, who is dismissed or subjected to a detriment for certain health and safety reasons, would have a potential claim against their employer† (Calcott, 2011, p.12). In the case of Tom, he wanted something done about the mold problem. Tom was a supervisor at CompCARE and he reported to Allen. Tom noticed how all the workers were getting sick and took action. He informed Allen about the sir quality in the lab. Tom did the right thing in reporting all problems to his superior. The assumed Tom waited and went to Allen again to do something about the air quality. The problem gotten worsen and Tom threatened to turn the company in to OSHA. Tom would be consider a whistleblower. â€Å"A whistleblower exposes the misdeeds of others in organizations† (Schermerhorn, 2010, p.100). The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 prohibits an employee from getting fired for telling on unethical conduct. The paper will now look at how Allen could have benefit by supporting his employees and himself. Allen knew something was not right and yet he did nothing when the problem was not fix. â€Å"Employers are well aware of their extensive responsibilities to employees under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974† (Calcott, 2011, p.12). In the role Allen have, he was obligated and held the responsibility to protect his staff. Allen reported to his boss as to what was going on, therefore he should took the next steps in finding help for his employees. Allen could have benefited himself by having a clear conscious he did what was right.  He would have been free from any prosecution the employees would have filed on the company. He would have been protected under the Whistleblower Act as well. Allen’s health was just as much danger as his staff and this should have been enough to make him tell authority. PharmaCARE’s renders a purported environmental stewardship is worst and the company’s public stance should carry an obligation to be a leader in environmental matters. PharmaCARE should be more concern about Colberians’ environment. PharmaCARE should want to help the people who is producing their product. They could help with building homes for the Colberians, by knowing their conditions. The executives live in nice places with running water and electricity. PharmaCARE can set up a fund in order to educate the people of Colberia. Teaching and showing people how to be more efficient will help PharmaCARE profit more. The people will be loyal to the company helping them. PharmaCARE can help the Colberians to be more productivity in everyday life. When a company goes in a foreign country to do business it should make sure of the country’s policy. Companies move their business to foreign countries are still liable if something happen. The company should be willing to help build the area up the workers live in. Building roadways to carry PharmaCARE’s drugs is a significant matter. The WTO is cutting down on companies that are no treating foreigners’ right. This is in health and safety as well as in the United States. The WTO is an advocate for under privilege countries. It protects the right of the workers in poverty countries. There seem to be a big issue regarding children workers but this does not seem the case. However, WTO will not allow any injustice to come to workers in third world countries. â€Å"The WTO’s agreements permit members to take measures to protect not only the environment but also public health, animal health and plant health. However, these measures must be applied in the same way to both national and foreign businesses. In other words, members must not use environmental protection measures as a means of disguising protectionist policies† (WTO, 2013). The author believes now things are getting better because companies know someone is watching them. The next concern to look at concerning this scenario is the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) à ¢â‚¬Å"is a liability scheme rather than a monitoring program† ( Halbert & Ingulli,  2012, p.207). According to the Environmental Protection Agency â€Å"the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) commonly known as Superfund, was enacted by Congress on December 11, 1980† (CERCLA, 2013). The CERCLA’s function were to assist others when a hazardous substances might endanger others or the environment. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act provided accountability of persons accountable for discharges of hazardous waste. It also established a trust fund to make available for cleanup when no guilty party could be acknowledged. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act do not support the PharmaCARE scenario. The PharmaCARE is a pharmaceutical company and CERCLA’s target is chemical and petroleum industries. CERCLA will assist when the responsibility people cannot be located. In this scenario the responsible party is known and could have done something about the matter before it got out of hand. The cleanup should fall on PharmaCARE and not CERCLA. There were signs and people to tell the story of what happen and how nothing was done to cease the problem. There were no transporters bringing the mold into the company. The mold grew and causing the air quality to be tamper with. PharmaCare is fully blame for this and should pay for the cleanup and compensate the workers on their health issues. PharmaCARE was bogus and should be made to buy back CompCARE from WellCo. WellCo is an innocent party while things were being withheld from the company. References Boone, G., & Kurtz, D. (2012). Contemporary Business (14th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Calcott, J. (2011). Don’t stumble over safety. Works Management, 64(8), 12 CERCLA. (2013). Retrieved August 18, 2013, from EEOC. Retrieved July 26, 2013from Global Issues. (2013). Retrieved August 16, 2013, from Halbert, T., & Ingulli, E. (2012). Law & ethic in business environment (7th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning Shareholder. (2013). Retrieved August 16, 2013, from Hellriegel, D., & Slocum, J., W. (2011). Organization Behavior. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning WTO. (2013). Retrieved August 18, 2013, from

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Clinical psychology essayEssay Writing Service

Clinical psychology essayEssay Writing Service Clinical psychology essay Clinical psychology essayThe Asperger Syndrome (and High-Functioning Autism) Diagnostic Interview (ASDI): A Preliminary Study of a New Structured Clinical Interview.What is the proposed purpose of the ASDI?The article makes it clear that the purpose of the Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Interview (ASDI) is to diagnose such psychiatric disease as autism spectrum disorder in children and adults of certain age groups. The interview is intended especially for clinical psychiatrists who are well acquainted with the symptoms and methods of treatment of the Asperger syndrome and other psychiatric or psychological disorders in the autism related spectrum. The interview is based on the investigations of the clinicians and aimed at diagnosing the Asperger Syndrome in the autism spectrum. The article’s purpose is to investigate the affected children and adults who find it difficult to socially interact having delayed motor development and uncoordinated movements.It is well known that chil dren and adults with the Asperger syndrome have difficulties in cognitive or language development. In this regard, the interview presented in the article takes into account all of the peculiarities of children affected by the Asperger syndrome or other autism related disorders. The sphere of diagnosis included impaired social interactions, speech, communicative challenges, verbal skills, movements and other signs of disorder of the interviewed group of people who suffer from Asperger syndrome. Thus, the major aim of the ASDI is to investigate the symptoms of the disorder in order to find the best means of its treatment. It needs to be mentioned that ASDI proved to be effective in diagnosing siblings or parents who comprised the major part of the informants. Finally, it is worth saying that with the help of self-awareness and therapy, the majority of children and adults learn how to cope with all the challenges of the Asperger syndrome. Thus, ASDI is not only an effective way of diag nosis, but also a way of helping the affected individuals to cope with the challenges related to the Asperger Syndrome.What are the strengths and weaknesses of using the ASDI for clinical psychologists interviewing clients who may fall on the autism spectrum?The major strength of the interview lies in the fact that it turns to be an effective way of diagnosing the Asperger Syndrome. It is proved by the results of the ASDI carried out by clinical psychologists. However, the established diagnoses of the Asperger Syndrome are impossible to distinguish from other psychiatric or psychological disorders and normality. It turned out that the interview failed to show the distinction between the Asperger Syndrome and autism. Thus, there must be certain exclusive criterion for autism.Moreover, the interview has a number of other weaknesses as well. Thus, it needs to be mentioned that as the informants were either parents or their siblings, the results obtained could be applied to only first-d egree relatives as a key group of informants. Furthermore, the results of the interview are applicable to only those cases when the informants have known the individual with the Asperger Syndrome or other autism spectrum disorder for certain period of time. However, there should be carried out separate studies apart from the interview. The studies should be conducted with the involvement of informants other than siblings and parents.In such a way, it would be reasonable to recommend the ASDI for making preliminary diagnostic decisions when young people or adults are supposed to suffer from autism spectrum disorders, including the Asperger Syndrome. Taking into account all of the above-mentioned weaknesses of the interview, it is worth saying that the ASDI cannot be used as a final means of diagnoses, but rather as a direction for further deep clinical examination of adults and children suffering from the autism spectrum disorders and the Asperger Syndrome in particular.Clinical psyc hology   essay part 2

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Japanese Internment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Japanese Internment - Essay Example The answers of these questions come to us through the story of Japanese American Internment. These people were imprisoned and interned for no strong reason. They were sent to the relocation camp far away from their homes. The disgraceful incident of internment started soon after the Pearl Harbor attack. On December 7, 1941 Imperial Japanese Navy attacked on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Suspicion prevailed all over among the outraged American people and their attitude towards the Japanese- Americans suddenly changed. On the background of the bombing on Pearl Harbor, the Presidential proclamations were signed which included 2525 (Japanese), 2526 (German), and 2527 (Italian). The Raciest Hysteria led to the forced evacuation and internment of the Japanese- Americans. Approximately 120,000 Japanese Americans were imprisoned and were sent to the war relocation centers. Among some young men of Japanese heritages became some of the most trustworthy soldiers. In 1990, Japanese American survivors of the camps started receiving redress checks of $ 20,000 along with a letter of apology from President George Bush. The Second World War had just started. There was a historic incident happened during this time. It was 19th February 1942. On the basis of the Pearl Harbor attack, Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. According to the order 120,000 Japanese- Americans were rounded up to one of the 10 internment camps which were called â€Å"relocation centers.† The American government took such initiatives against the Japanese- Americans due to the fear that those people would otherwise support to the Japanese in Second World War. Thus more than 2/3 of the Japanese in US were interned who were the citizens of United States. They were never disloyal to America yet they were evacuated for no strong reason. The blatant euphemism was that they were humiliated by calling them ‘non-aliens.’ The misery of the people can be

Saturday, November 2, 2019

A case study requirs reading an artical first, see the detailed

A requirs reading an artical first, see the detailed information below - Case Study Example The other opportunity is creation of better health for the BoP. Many people at the bottom die of diseases caused by spread of germs. This is majorly as a result of lack of knowledge and affordability of the cleaning products. If they are taught the importance of good hygiene and constant demonstrations made, they can be able to keep up the hygiene. This paired with making available hygienic products in smaller quantity hence cheaper costs will ensure maximum benefits to both the BoP and the multinational company (Prahalad 175). In line with the above is ensuring affordable packaging which comprises of small packages of each product which is affordable to the people. They cannot afford spending a lot on one product with big packages but the money can be distributed on several different products with smaller affordable packaging. This is still beneficial to the companies as their customer base will have expanded while they spend less on packaging and its attractiveness. Financing is the greatest challenge in all these opportunities discussed. The three marketing opportunities mentioned above can be integrated by the multinationals. The integration will reduce the financing which has been established to be the greatest challenge while still serving the purpose of improving the lives of the people, and maximizing the newly discovered and acquired customer base. Unhealthy people make up the worse type of customers as they are not able to purchase products which means a loss of income for the organizations. Ensuring that the largest population group in the world; the BoP are healthy will mean that their purchase rate will be high and so will the returns to the multinational companies. The first thing any multinational company aiming to explore the BoP should ensure is teaching the people good hygiene. While they adopt the healthy trait and purchase the hygienic products,